Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten Orientation for 2013-2014 Kindergarten Families- April 10, 2013 from 2:00-3:00 in Hanawalt’s Cafeteria.
Dear Kindergarten Family:
Thank you for choosing Hanawalt Elementary School. Hanawalt is a wonderful place for children to learn and grow. As we partner in your student’s education, you will discover that the Hanawalt community consists of committed and caring adults who make a significant difference in the lives of young people. In addition to a remarkable staff, we have tremendous volunteers who work directly with children or who are engaged in planning or organizing a variety of educationally-related activities.
Kindergarten is an exciting year! Children not only soar academically, but their world is enhanced through a deep appreciation for physical education, music, and visual arts. Hanawalt is committed to the development of the whole child. Student learning occurs when children are engaged in meaningful content provided by caring adults. The Hanawalt staff makes a genuine commitment to serving the unique needs of every student. We are honored that you are partnering with us toward this end. We look forward to meeting you and your student on April 10.
Agenda 2:00-3:00 Cafeteria
· Welcome- Mr. Burg (Principal) with introduction of kindergarten staff (Mrs. Christensen, Mrs. Revell, Ms. Genzen)- students will leave and work directly with staff
· Notes from the office- Office Manager (Mrs. Hutton) and Nurse (Ms. Willet)
· Kindergarten supplies (Lisa Russell- current parent and former PTA president)
· Metro Kids- (Susan Keyt-director)
· FAQ- Julie Hahn and Kim Johnson (current parents/co-PTA president elects)
· Review of information packet/website (
· Final questions
· Building tour (Mr. Burg)