Spring Concert


3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Spring Concert Information

Date: Tuesday, April 28th 2015


Time: Meet In The Hanawalt Music Room

3rd (Call Time For Students) 1:50pm (Concert Time 2:00pm

4th (Call Time For students) 5:30pm (Concert Time) 5:45pm

5th (Call Time For Students) 6:15pm (Concert Time) 6:30pm


Dress: Dark Pants & A Nice Shirt (Please Avoid Tshirts and Jeans)

Skirts & Dresses Are Acceptable


**All students must be accompanied by an adult after school hours. The finished product of several weeks of hard work is a group activity, which culminates in a performance. All students are expected to fulfill their obligation to the rest of the group by participating in the concert. We look forward to seeing everyone there!


Thank you,

Ms. Ihnen


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